Self-Sovereign Identity – Exam of the Academy

Creato il Per Jacopo Sesana

Self-Sovereign Identity Master – Exam of the Academy

Well, you’ve come to the Self-Sovereign Identity Academy exam. Are you ready to test your skills on this topic?

Some information before proceeding with the test:

  • 60 True or False Questions
  • 30 minutes of time
  • Above 60% you get the verifiable credential signed by SSI Academy, Dizme Foundation (a Linux foundation), NGC, and NYM lab s.r.

1 / 60

Verifiable presentation enhances data minimization.

2 / 60

The issuer includes the terms in the verifiable credential, while the holder places them within the verifiable presentation.

3 / 60

In Italy, the digital identity companies must be accredited by Poste Italiane S.p.A.

4 / 60

Using the “credential schema” property is to allow validation through the zero-knowledge proof.

5 / 60

The owner expects that the credentials are securely stored in their virtual wallet, that they are not released to third parties, and that they are not tampered with or lost.

6 / 60

Since the anti-correlation properties are a fundamental requirement within the verifiable credential system, it is strongly recommended that the identifiers are:

  • Linked to a single origin
  • Multipurpose
  • Not used entirely, or replaced by new tokens.

7 / 60

Personal data, such as the identity card number, address, and full name, can be easily used to determine, track and correlate an entity.

8 / 60

A verifiable credential contains statements regarding one or more subjects. This specification defines the “credential subject” property.

9 / 60

A DID-based blockchain that supports the Universal Resolver must define and implement a DID driver

10 / 60

With a credential, it is also possible to express information concerning several subjects.

11 / 60

In the centralized model, the user does not have a direct relationship with the RP, while the IdP manages the personal data in its database.

12 / 60

A data leak is the unauthorized transmission of data from within an organization to an external recipient.

13 / 60

EBSI is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) created to provide public services to European citizens using blockchain technology.

14 / 60

The “issuance data” property expresses the date and time when a credential becomes invalid.

15 / 60

By definition, the controller of a DID is the entity identified by the DID.

16 / 60

The identity provider is able to exploit economies of scale to reduce the costs of its infrastructures.

17 / 60

Distributed Ledger technologies are included in the larger blockchains family.

18 / 60

Verifiable credentials and submissions MUST have the “type” property. Any unprovided credential or presentation is still verifiable.

19 / 60

One of the objectives of the model is to enable innovation without permission.

20 / 60

The “id” property MUST NOT have more than one value.

21 / 60

A Self-Issued OP provides remote authentication, without using direct OPs.

22 / 60

Credentials are issued, transferred, and verified through the use of digital wallets.

23 / 60

Phishing is a computer scam carried out by sending cleverly forged e-mails.

24 / 60

The aggregation of information deriving from different credentials is the most common use of presentations.

25 / 60

Within the GDPR, we find the principle of minimization within Art. 5, of Art. 51 in Art. 25, in Art 89.

26 / 60

If a digital signature is used for the validation mechanism, the “proof” property must contain the name of the signatory, a reference, and the date on which he signed.

27 / 60

A DID-based blockchain that supports the Universal Resolver must define and implement a URL dereferent.

28 / 60

All entities count on the data log to be tamper-proof and to be a correct record of entity-controlled data.

29 / 60

OAuth 2 uses a digitally signed SAML token with limited and self-referential time validity.

30 / 60

The value of the “id” property MUST be a URI.

31 / 60

An identity provider is in charge of managing the digital identity and executing the authentication mechanism.

32 / 60

The principle called transparency aims to define the goal of making data transparent to facilitate reading.

33 / 60

DID methods are the mechanism by which a particular type of DID and its corresponding document is created, resolved, updated, and deactivated.

34 / 60

ESSIF is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) created to provide public services to European citizens using blockchain technology.

35 / 60

In 2020, the average cost per data breach is over 3 million dollars.

36 / 60

Verification of a user’s identity occurs through the exchange of data, called assertions.

37 / 60

OAuth 2 is a framework built on OpenID Connect.

38 / 60

The “type” property, in other words, identifies the subject of the credential.

39 / 60

Each entity can have a limited number of ones.

40 / 60

Thanks to cryptography, distributed science, and game theory, a blockchain is a great shared and public root of trust.

41 / 60

The “id” property is intended to unequivocally refer to an object, a person, a product, or an organization.

42 / 60

The creation date of the DID (timestamp) is within the DID Document.

43 / 60

Hash functions and Merkle trees are used in distributed ledgers and blockchains to ensure interoperability between systems.

44 / 60

SPID relies on the SAML security protocol.

45 / 60

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) constitute a new type of unique identifier, similar to URIs.

46 / 60

The creation date of the DID (timestamp) is within the DID URL.

47 / 60

The DID level is the fundamental one, made up of DIDs registered and solved through distributed ledgers.

48 / 60

The social login follows the scheme of the centralized identity authentication model.

49 / 60

SAML 2.0 refers to the XML variant language.

50 / 60

Different will be network and distributed ledgers, different will also be the did method.

51 / 60

The verifiable presentation must not disclose information that the holder has no intention of disclosing.

52 / 60

The aggregation of information deriving from different presentations is the most common use of credentials.

53 / 60

Only some verifiable credentials and presentations MUST contain the “context” property.

54 / 60

It is also useful to enable a manual or automatic refresh system of an active credential.

55 / 60

A zero-knowledge test is a cryptographic method in which an entity can try to another entity to know a certain value without revealing the actual value.

56 / 60

When identifiers are used, there is a need to contact the issuer of the identifier for verification.

57 / 60

The digital identity market could achieve an economic value equivalent to 15% of GDP in 2030.

58 / 60

There is only one case in which a verifiable credential can be contested: a person disputes a claim made by the issuer.

59 / 60

The proof that the credential was issued by a specific university is given by the digital signature contained within the DID Document.

60 / 60

Digital identity is a data-driven and transaction-maintained private individual personality model intended to be used by a delegation from the individual.

Il tuo punteggio è

The average score is 47%
